Long before flying saucers, science fiction editor Ray Palmer had primed the
pump for otherworldly spaceships in Amazing Stories by citing
Charles Fort’s speculations about extraterrestrial visitors, printing sighting
reports, and by presenting the Shaver Mystery as nonfiction. Fortean author
John Keel was a reader of Palmer’s magazine and had observed the birth of the
UFO era. Keel wrote that when the flying saucers of 1947 arrived:
“Aside from Palmer's readers, two other groups
were ready to serve as cadre for the believers. About 1,500 members of Tiffany
Thayer's Fortean Society knew that weird aerial objects had been sighted
throughout history and some of them were convinced that this planet was under
surveillance by beings from another world ... The second group were
spiritualists and students of the occult, headed by Dr. Meade Layne, who had
been chatting with the space people at seances through trance mediums and Ouija
boards. They knew the space ships were coming and hardly surprised when ‘ghost
rockets’ were reported over Europe in 1946. Combined, these three groups
represented a formidable segment of the population.”
John Keel, “The Man Who Invented Flying Saucers.” Fortean Times, Winter 1983: 52-57.
We’ve previously written about The UFO Prophecy of Frederick G. Hehr, an occultist who since the 1920s had been
writing about spaceships from other worlds coming to guide humanity. He was not
Ole J. Sneide
Ole Johannes Sneide (1886 - 1947) was born in
Norway, and immigrated to the US in 1898. He was an accountant, and on his
retirement, devoted his energies to the study of the occult. When flying
saucers made headlines in 1947, Sneide was the first person featured in the
newspapers to seriously state that the UFOs were actually extraterrestrial
Portrait of the occultist as a young man. |
On July 3, 1947, a letter about flying discs by
Sneide appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, which was
subsequently reprinted by United Press for national distribution across the
United States. The version below is from The Ford Islander (a Navy newspaper,
Pearl Harbor, HI), July 21, 1947, and has paragraph breaks added for
Editor – Anent the speedy disk objects so many observers have seen crossing the sky off and on during the last 40 years, the latest being nine flying saucers reported by Kenneth Arnold, Pendleton, Ore., and a lone disk reported by Frank M. King and companions, San Leonardo. The first of these things, I recall were three similar objects seen at night out of Ely, Minnesota, over 30 years ago, crossing the entire sky from horizon to horizon in a matter of less than a minute. They were brilliantly lighted, but could not have been meteors, as the three traveled parallel to each other all the way, did not deviate from the path or burst up as meteors will do when they strike the atmosphere. Here is the romance of it: the flying disks are oblate spheroid space ships from the older planets and other solar systems.
Usually they travel in outer space with speeds approximating that of light by use of anti-gravity devices and hyperspace. In our space they travel much slower and, of course, become visible either by intent or by accident, for in their travels they use the invisibility screen. The space navigation has really been going on for millions of millions of years, these “Navo” having come into our galaxy originally from the Greater Magellanic Cloud via the Lesser Magellanic Cloud, 47 Tucanae, Omega and Alpha Centauri Clusters. Came to our solar system from the last-named place before our planet Earth was born. They have made a great many visits to our planet, mostly in hyperspace and so invisible to humans.
Their masters planted the original humanities here and which did not develop sui-generis. They made the cosmic astronomy of the painted and sculptured Symbol Rocks of the Castle Crags Monument, Dunsmuir, and to which I have the key. They have been absent from our planet since before the fall of the Roman Empire, when the Great Master left Earth for the outer galaxy by fohatic teleportation. He is now back, and what is going to be done depends upon mankind, but my advice is that physical man set up no belligerence, for a small concentration of these disks just beyond the range of our atmosphere could clean the surface of our planet completely in a matter of less than 24 hours.
Their present local headquarters is on the unseen side of the moon. I discovered this by teleportation visits hither and yon in and beyond our galaxy, where one travels in minutae with speeds far beyond that of light. Royce Brier et al. would not believe this, but mankind will just have to learn their physics all over again, someday, if they live. Ha! If they live!
Francisco, Ole J. Sneide
The Cincinnati Enquirer, July 4, 1947 |
Sneide’s letter was widely quoted in
newspapers, most frequently in stories featuring a wide range of saucer origin
speculation. The Associated Press version of the Sneide story assumed he was
writing “tongue-in-cheek,” but they were badly mistaken. See clipping below.
The Paris News, (Texas) July 3, 1947. |
At least two national magazines noted Sneide’s
pronouncement about the origin of flying saucers, Newsweek and Life.
Newsweek July 14, 1947
Spots Before Their Eyes
Perhaps the flying saucers were interplanetary
space ships manned by two-headed Martians with radio antennas growing out of
their head. Perhaps they were the new secret weapon of an unnamed foreign
power. Maybe they were just the reflections of sunlight glancing off
faraway planes, or a new American jet ship, or an advertising stunt ...
In the absence of evidence, those who believed the saucers were visitors from
another planet felt reassured. Ole J. Sneide of San Francisco announced
the disks were "oblate spheroid space ships from the older planets."
In San Diego, Mead Layne, publisher of an occult magazine, announced that he
had received a message, through a medium, from one of the saucers. The people
aboard it, he said, wanted to live in the United States for a while.
"They come with good intent," said Layne.
Life July 21, 1947
A San Franciscan, Ole J. Sneide, explained
that the saucers were space ships sent out by "The Great Master," who
left the earth in disgust after the fall of the Roman Empire and now resides on
the dark side of the moon.
What the national news coverage missed was the
illuminating follow-up piece by the San Francisco Chronicle, on Tuesday, July 8, 1947, a
lengthy interview with Sneide where he elaborated further on flying saucers,
extraterrestrial life, and the fate of Earth.
Thanks to Louis Taylor for the scan of this image. |
The Sneide Letter
Occultist, Who Is 61 (Physically, That Is),
Expands His Disc Theories
By J. Campbell Bruce
Perhaps the most startling and widely
discussed theory advanced so far on the flying disc was the one set forth in
the now-famous letter to The Chronicle’s Safety Valve by Ole
J. Sneide.
Sneide (rhymes with Friday) spoke of space
ships, invisible screens, headquarters on the dark side of the moon. His letter
was picked up by the newspaper wire services and reprinted over the Nation. It brought
a flood of letters and telephone calls to The Chronicle. Sneide,
overnight became famous. Just like the discs, he appeared out of nowhere and
flashed across the horizon of headlines.
Who is Ole J. Sneide?
He's a retired cost accountant who has lived
quietly in a cramped, dim, little room on the second floor above 1232 Market
street. Until he wrote his letter to the editor, he had lived a serene
existence, delving into the mysteries of the occult.
When he was interviewed yesterday, he had just
come back from a quick trip into outer space. And he appeared a bit
They Knew
He's gone all the way out there to pick up the
straight dope on these flying discs - and he's been turned down flatly. “I projected myself into outer space,” said Sneide,
speaking in a puckered sort of way.
“I didn't need to ask about the discs. They
knew what I was after. They appeared in a blinding flash of light. And the
answer was in two words: ‘Information refused’”.
Sad as he was about the failure of his mission,
Sneide nevertheless had his own theories. The discs were, he felt certain, one of
1- Nimbre A. Theatos apparently dropping
Metaboblons here and there. (He’d gotten that much from an earlier
2- Enemy scouts from Asia - well, Russia,
then. (“They've been experimenting with atomic energy for a long time.”)
3- A prank being pulled by a branch of our own
Army. (“If so it's foolish to fly them around like that and scare people.”)
Continent of Mu
He even conceded that, lacking more definite
knowledge, the discs might be piloted by wandering “dero” or survivors of the
lost continent of Mu finally emerging from the depths of the Earth. But he
couldn't be sure about that.
Born in Norway and reared in Minnesota, Sneide
attended the University of that State and his framed diplomas from an
accounting school and the Chronological College of California (class of ‘04).
He retired as a cost accountant and stenographer 11 years ago to devote his
time to the study of the occult.
He conducts these studies in his one-room
apartment which is almost removed from the worldly tumult of Market and
illuminated by lightwell in the day and a frosted globe at night. The walls are
covered with old prints by Charles Dana Gibson, Maxfield Parrish, Edward Penfield,
A. B. Frost and a smiling photograph of Clark Gable.
Physical Age
Sneide is 61 (“physically, that is”), is
slightly pallid has blonde curly hair that is comb-resistant, wears is a
Hoover-type collar, a stick pen and a lapel ornament which is “Ole” in a
flourish of gold wire script on a on a slab of mother-of-pearl. His source of information is the Dhyanis,
rulers of creation.
In his Safety Valve letter, Sneide mentioned
his discovery of the headquarters of spacemen on the dark of the moon, whither
he’d gone by teleportation. He amended that yesterday to say the dark of the
moon was the “subsidiary” or branch office. He recalled seeing buildings and
people they're not much different than San Francisco, but it wasn't too vivid,
as he didn't stay long.
One person wrote in to complain that Sneide
had given away the ”Scarlet Secret of the Scintillating Saucers.” Another said
he had difficulty with the fuel mixture and trying to get to the moon. “They don't make sense,” Sneide snorted. “Pure
Under-Earth Dwellers
But his eyes lighted at mention of a
communication by one Larry Sweet, 436 O'Farrell street, who theorizes the discs
were tentated by people of Mu who have been living in secret recesses within
the earth (except for those who “packed up and left for other galaxies” after
that ill-fated continent sank. Sneide said Sweet might be right - he wouldn't
But Sneide was certain of one thing. You need
to have no fear of the discs, “unless they're from Russia - and then there's
plenty of peril.” If they’re Nimbre A. Theatos, everything's under
“These,” he explained, “are scouts for
spaceships. I don't know exactly what they're doing here, but they may be sent
to do certain things before Armageddon, which should be in the offing anytime.”
“There are reports that small things were
dropped from them. They would be Metaboblons, from the ancient archaic Greek. I
wouldn’t know what they’d be, but maybe they’re dropped to protect certain
areas – or if they’re from Russia, they may be bombs to be detonated at the
proper time. But if some fell in the bay, as is said, then they are Metaboblons,
which may be mechanisms to counteract atomic radiation. The Dhyanis a gave me
the name.”
Sneide saw no danger of the world’s end from
all this. He predicted earth with last 6,000,000,000 years yet and “then
probably be dissolved into thin air and started all over again in a fohatic
(See the glossary after the article for some of the obscure terms used by Sneide.)
Sneide’s Lost Legacy
Ole J. Sneide’s Market street residence was just less
than a mile from the United Lodge of Theosophists on the same street.
Unfortunately, there’s no evidence of his membership there - or to any other
occult associations, but it’s clear he was well-schooled in Theosophy, and he
was also familiar with fantasy and science fiction like the Shaver Mystery.
The San Francisco Examiner, Feb. 26, 1938 |
There’s no telling how influential Sneide
might have become in the studies of aerial phenomena; his career as a ufologist
was cut tragically short. Sneide died on August 31, 1947, barely 2 months into
the flying saucer era. However, Sneide had a plan for his work to live on. In
1937 he set up a will with instructions and funds for his writings to be
published. Sneide also left money for the construction of a statue of the
goddess Aphrodite, whom the Romans knew as Venus.
The San Francisco Examiner, Oct. 10, 1947 |
Sneide also asked that his manuscripts on occult affairs in the vaults of the
Bank of America be published at a cost of $3000 and that the title be
"Heimrhibeat" (German meaning "homework"). Also that his
ashes be scattered from the Golden Gate Bridge.
Sneide may have been unaware, but the state
law forbade scattering cremation ashes from the shore or even a bridge. His
siblings had objections about other parts of the will. The San Francisco Deputy
City Attorney, Lawrence S. Mana, sent a letter to the Art Commission of the
City and County:
"Please be advised that the heirs of Ole
J. Sneide on October 29, 1947 filed a contest of Will which contest is now
pending in the Superior Court of the State of California... As a consequence of
the filing of the contest, the Will has never been admitted to probate.”
The money went to his relatives, and there’s
no record of the publication of "Heimrhibeat." Apparently none of Ole
J. Sneide’s wishes were honored; there was no book publication, no statue, and
no scattering of his ashes. Except for his flying saucer letter, Sneide’s work
has been lost. Sadly, he became another one of the many Ufologists That Time Forgot.
. .
A Glossary, Notes, Sources, and Further Information
Many of Sneide’s terms and concepts were
derived from Theosophy. The Theosophical Society was an occult organization
founded in 1875 by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a set of beliefs about the cosmic
origins of mankind cobbled together from various ancient myths, religions and
fiction. Theosophical concepts were very influential on many writers of early fantasy and science fiction such as H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Fohatic - "a bit of theosophical bafflegab
that appears in Madame Blavatsy’s The Secret Doctrine (1888) ... It has been
described as a spinning electro-spiritual force, a sun-based holy energy,
executed by Fohat, an agent of the Sons of God.” From “Conflicting Drives: A Broken Promise in theFaith Why Science Should Study UFO Reports” by Martin S. Kottmeyer, SUNlite Volume
5 Number 1 January - February 2013
Dhyanis - is the plural of Dhyani, and seems to
refer to the Dhyan-Chohans, as described by Helena. P. Blavatsky in Lucifer Theosophical Monthly September,
October, 1894:
“... Dhyan-Chohan, a 'celestial Buddha,' or
what a Christian Kabbalist might call a 'planetary spirit' or one of the
Elohim... a class of the planetary spirits or 'devas' ...so to say, the
guardian angels of men...”
Metaboblons - Metabolon is probably what Sneide was talking
about when he’s quoted as saying “Metaboblons." It was a term first printed
in 1903 in relation to atom fragments and radiation.
Report on the UFO Wave of 1947 by Ted Bloecher, 1967, was one of the
few UFO books to discuss material from Sneide’s
Martin Kottmeyer, “Varicose Brains, Part 3: Headhunt.” (Originally published in Magonia 44, March
Allan G. Smorra, “Another San Francisco Original,” October 5, 2014
Maurizio Verga, “Ole Sneide,” Flying
Saucers in the Sky - 1947: When UFOs Came from Mars, 2020
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