Friday, July 28, 2017

Flaming Egg-shaped UFO: Northern Ireland Sept. 8, 1956

UFO described as a small flaming red egg-shaped object

Moneymore, Northern Ireland
An Irishman named Thomas J. Hutchinson swore to police that he captured a flaming red flying saucer but it got away. There were several unusual features including red marks and tripes on the egg-shaped object, reminiscent of the later 1964 encounter in Socorro, NM by Lonnie Zamora.

Nampa Idaho Free Press, Sept. 10, 1956

As with so many of the most interesting UFO cases featured here at The Saucers That Time Forgot, Project Blue Book has no file on this incident. However, there are three news clippings in the files on the story, and a quote from ufologist Gray Barker, who thought that it might have been a small unmanned alien reconnaissance craft or drone. 
"I read the report on this, and it sounds like a 'Moniter' device."

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Captured Flying Saucers: Black River Falls, Wisconsin July 10, 1947

There was a rash of flying saucers reports in the weeks following Kenneth Arnold's pivotal sighting in June 24, 1947. What many historians forget is that there was also a large number of reports of crashed flying saucers. What caused this frenzy of reports real and imagined, and the inevitable hoaxes? It may have been the cash rewards offered for $1,000 for proof that the flying saucers are real.

Black River Falls, Wisconsin July 10, 1947. Sigurd Hanson found a small unmanned flying saucer in a field near the fairgrounds, where it had apparently crashed. The earth was scarred from the landing, and object itself was clearly a technological device, streamlined for flight and the body of the saucer showed scorching form the engine exhaust. The Wisconsin Civil Air Patrol was called in to investigate.
Kenosha Evening News, July 11 1947.

There was a lot of excitement due to the physical evidence recovered, and this was indeed a saucer not scraps of tinfoil. As the story developed, further details emerged.

Sigurd Hanson
"Hanson hopes that the saucer will merit one of those $1000 rewards that he has been reading about in the newspapers lately, although he hasn't given it much thought."

The La Crosse Tribune, July 11, 1947

The story was so big, there were stories on the news coverage of the story itself. Saucers were selling papers, and photographers were eager to get a photograph of a real flying saucer.

July 11, 1947

July 12, 1947

Exploitation and Exhibition 

The investigation by the Civil Air Patrol revealed the saucer had been constructed on Earth, but they weren't certain it was the same kind of object that was being reported in the skies across the nation, and their interest in the disc diminished. The object was returned to the Black River Falls' Chamber of Commerce who saw an opportunity to capitalize on the publicity by charging viewers for admission to see the saucer.

"The Hansons, wondering if the saucer will merit the $1000 offered, are considering contacting officials at the World Inventors Congress in session at Hollywood, Calif. The inventors have offered the reward to the first disk finder."

? July 13, 1947 and Dubuque Telegraph Herald, July 13 1947.

The Saucer Crashes

The FBI's file has a document that discloses their analysis of the UFO's physical properties.

The disc might be made of a substance such as cardboard covered by a silver
airplane dope material. The contraption has a small wooden tail like a
rudder in the back and inside of the disc is what appears to be an RCA
photo-electric cell or tube. Also inside the disc is a little electric
motor with a shaft running to the center of the disc. At one end of the
shaft is a very small propeller. In ____ opinion that contraption might
possibly have been made by some juvenile. ____ stated that he desired
to return the contraption to Milwaukee and eventually turn it over to
the Army Air Forces, but that the finder, ____ apparently wanted to get
some publicity on his find and wanted it returned to him.
FBI Office Memorandum, Subject Flying Discs Sabotage, August 12, 1947 

Unlike so many of the most interesting UFO cases featured here at The Saucers That Time Forgot, Project Blue Book does have a file on this incident. Conclusion: Hoax.


In a newspaper story in 2004, Bob Huntley confessed how he, with the help of three friends, Bud Bowler and cousins John and Dan McDonald, built and staged the saucer crash.
"BRF's flying saucer mystery revealed as a hoax" by Autumn Grooms of the La Crosse Tribune Nov 18, 2004

They weren't the only kids up to saucer mischief, but we'll cover those in future installments.

The object was determined to be of Earthly origin, and the identity of the hoaxers was determined, so this is one of the few cases definitively closed as solved.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Flying Saucers, Flying Fists and Hypnotic High-Jinks

Hypnosis can be a therapeutic tool, but so can a scalpel, and it's important that the treatment is administered by a professional. Hypnotism has played a controversial role in its use for recovering lost memories in UFO cases, from its first known use in Sweden in 1959. There are some dangers to using hypnosis, due to the fact that it can often produce false memories to be "recovered." Worse yet, it can endanger the emotional and mental health of the subject.

With that warning out of the way, here's a unique flying saucer report from 1952. Like many of the best UFO stories, this one involves the claim of a saucer landing, the sighting of an alien, hypnotism and an apparent cover-up by the law enforcement. However, in this case, these elements come into play in a wholly different way.

The World Famous Jay Zee, "Anything Can Happen"

"Professor Jay Zee, who recently resumed his career as a top notch entertainer after several years of hypnotic therapeutics will appear..." was the opening line of Zee's press release. With modifications for time and location, it appeared in newspapers over many years throughout the USA announcing his show. Zee was a mentalist and hypnotist, and the main feature of his act was having volunteers from the audience perform "hilarious antics".

The Michigan, Cass City Chronicle, Aug. 14, 1953 

The Wisconsin Sheboygan Press, Nov. 29, 1952 

The January 8, 1953 Michigan Traverse City Record-Eagle carried a story advertising Zee's show, "Anything Can Happen."

Hypnotist Coming
"Jay Zee, who recently resumed his career as a top notch entertainer after several years of hypnotic therapeutics will appear at the State theatre on Sunday, Jan. 11th, for three days. Jay Zee's "Anything Can Happen," promises to be a thrill packed show of Intrigue, suspense and a million laughs. He was in retirement from the entertainment field during the World War II period. During that time he worked for the government in psychiatric hospitals and with the intelligence department.

In his theater performance he limits himself exclusively to entertainment, depending upon the audience for volunteer subjects. As a member of an exclusive professional organization of hypnotists, he is under an ethical pledge not to permit situations which would cause embarrassment of his subjects or leave any of them at a future disadvantage."

The Michigan Traverse City Record-Eagle page 10, January 8, 1953

The "Hypnotic High-Jinks" show was mostly comedy, with a few thrills thrown in along the way. This 1950 article goes into more detail about Zee's work during World War II and also discusses his ethical pledge "not to permit situations which would cause embarrassment to subjects."

Kenosha Evening News, March 6, 1950
Professor Jay Zee had an active show business career, and in 1952 was on a months-long tour of the mid-west, which leads us to an incident in Oregon, Illinois.

Embarrassment, Disadvantage and Flying Saucers

Oregon, Illinois, 100 miles west of Chicago. 

Robert Cross

Oregon, Illinois, Sept. 29, 1952:

Robert Cross went to the Sheriff's Office to make a report of a flying saucer over the town. He'd said the craft had landed, and that a small humanoid with an unusual complexion emerged from it. There was a sense of urgency, as Cross indicated that it was part of a flying saucer invasion. The concerned sheriff followed the witness to where to he could find the invaders. Cross told them, "Look at them land on the courthouse roof," but he was the only one who could see them. It was there, the encounter began to turn violent.
Ogle County Sheriff's Office & Jail 

From the Dixon, Illinois Evening Telegraph, Oct 1, 1952

Flying Saucers on Oregon City Hall Bring Turmoil; 
Hypnotist Blamed for All

OREGON -- A 20-year old hospital worker who left the stage of the Oregon theater here while still under the influence of a hypnotist turned this town into a turmoil last night with his fantastic stories of "flying saucers on the city hall."
Robert Cross, Rochelle, who attended the theater to see the magician Jay Zee perform, had the Ogle county sheriff's office and the Oregon police on the verge of "locking up the lunatic" before the situation was finally explained.

No Saucers Today

Cross, who doesn't see saucers today, was told last night by the magician that he would "see saucers until 10 a.m. today." And that's exactly what he did.

After leaving the theater Cross first "saw" saucers on the theater roof. He told this to police, who took him directly to the sheriff's office, where he related his story of "little men and spaceships" to Night Deputy William administered. administered immediately called Sheriff James White.

White and Cross then started towards the theater. On the way, Cross told White to "look at them land on the courthouse roof" and, of course, the sheriff saw nothing.

Back at the sheriff's office white began talking to the youth and finally, when Cross mentioned the magician, Jay Zee was called in.
After an hour and a half of grilling the hypnotist, the sheriff closed the "Case of the Flying Saucers" and announced that "There'll be no more of that in Oregon."

As yet he hasn't decided if the show will go on again tonight or not.

As the story came out, the controversy centered less on the flying saucer report, and more on Cross' allegations of having been beaten by the police. Further details emerged about what Cross had been ordered to do under hypnosis.

Freeport Journal Standard, Oct 2, 1952 

"Cross told the Telegraph yesterday that when he was hypnotized Tuesday night, Jay Zee told him that he should go to the 'police station, newspaper and fire station' and say that he had seen a little man, three feet high with a long nose, purple skin and pink polka dots, step out of a flying saucer."

The full text of the newspaper story below be can be found at Saturday Night Uforia, Hypnotized Youth Claims Sheriff Beat Him After Flying Saucer Reported

Dixon Evening Telegraph, Oct. 4, 1952 
This next story finally got to the root of it, exactly what caused all the trouble. The hypnotist had commanded Cross to leave the theatre to make false reports. "Under questioning it was brought out that Cross was under hypnosis induced by Jack Bernie Zitzen, aka "Jay Zee." Cross had been told to report seeing the visions at five places, including the sheriff's office."

Freeport Journal Standard, Oct, 4, 1952 

The Aftermath: Turmoil in the Ogle County Sheriff's Department

Four days after the incident there was a heated resignation by Ogle County"s Chief Deputy Joseph Powell over a "disagreement in policy." A month after Cross' alleged beating during the "flying saucer" incident, Sheriff James White fired deputy sheriff William Beaman, the officer who'd admitted slapping Cross. It was Beaman's claim that he was removed for "political reasons," perhaps feeling he'd been fired in order for White to avoid criticism or a lawsuit.

Dixon Evening Telegraph. Nov. 10, 1952 

There was a local scandal due to the incidents, and rumors outnumbered the facts. The controversy continued from October into November.

Dixon Evening Telegraph Oct. 13, 1952 

Dixon Evening Telegraph, Nov. 11, 1952 

The "fracas," denials and firings from the sheriff's department following the "flying saucer incident" are more puzzling than the incident itself. It smacks of a cover-up, but not the kind usually associated with UFO stories, just the old-fashioned kind to conceal embarrassment or wrong-doing.

The record is incomplete, and not all published accounts agree, but Robert Cross seems to have been a victim at least twice that night, first from the entertainer and later from mistreatment by the sheriff's department. No one was punished by the law, but two deputies, Powell and Beaman lost their jobs. James M. White remained as sheriff, but only until 1954, when he was replaced by Charles Allen. It seems that no charges were filed against the visiting world famous hypnotist.

Who was Jay Zee?

The Saucers That Time Forgot's Claude Falkstorm dug up a lot more info on hypnotist Jay Zee, including the fact that the flying saucer gag was one of his regular acts in his show.

Cedar Rapids Gazette August 27, 1952.

Business was said to be good, according to the Oct 27, 1954 Fairborn Daily Herald. "Jay Zee is in such demand in theatrical circles that he has been forced to give up all of his work that he has been doing in the field of psychology." His lovely assistant Vicki Vassar was enjoying success as well. Her description went from "west coast beauty contest winner" to "starlet."

This 1955 clipping provides further details about Zee's claims of hypnotic prowess and of his work with the US Intelligence Department. We could locate no records, military or otherwise, for Jack Bernie Zitzen.
The Ohio Wilmington News-Journal page14, October 14, 1955

Could it be that Jay Zee was involved in some kind of PSYOP or early MKULTRA "Mirage Men" type program? We consulted STTF asset, Jeremiah Dugger, knowledgeable both in espionage history and stage magic, but he drew a blank. However, his searches turned up a few items on a hypnotist with a similar name, a "Jay B. Zee."

Who was Dr. Jay B. Zee, Ph. D.?

Zee's mole is difficult to see in the photo, but the artist clearly depicted it in his caricature.

"It sounds like a show name, but it's real; it's the name I was born with." So said the man calling himself Dr. Jay B. Zee to the Northern Iowan in their Sept. 23, 1977 issue. The story provides some biographical details and Zee's thoughts on the ethics of hypnotism. This new information provided further leads.

In reverse chronological order:

The Nebraska Lincoln Star from Dec. 13, 1974 reported:

"Dr. Zee. who received his Ph. D. in psychology from Duke University, stresses that hypnotism can be emotional(ly) harmful when practiced by someone without the proper training."

Later in the article it indicated that he was still interested in alien encounters.

"In the near future, he will include in his act a routine in which the people believe they are astronauts who have landed on the moon and can speak moon language The moon language is actually a recording of Dr Zee's voice slowed down and played backward There will also be a cave on the moon where the people will confront various monsters, but that act will have to wait until the stage can be readied for it."

Good Housekeeping magazine, Aug. 1967 reported:

The Free Press exposed a second quack marriage counselor by the name of Jay B. Zee. Zee, who had a bogus PhD purchased from a diploma mill in Italy for $58, hypnotized couples who consulted him about their strained marriages. He also injected some of them with "truth" serums. One of his women clients became so emotionally disturbed that her husband feared for the safety of their children and she had to undergo psychiatric care."

The Michigan Detroit Free Press, Aug. 12, 1965 

That led us to the Michigan Detroit Free Press from Aug. 12, 1965, with the story, "Nightclub Hypnotist Poses as Expert in Emotional Ills" In addition to the items repeated in the Good Housekeeping article, it reports:

"According to Ernest Browne, investigator with the Detroit City Department of Health, several complaints have been filed against Zee. They include the charge that he worked with an M.D., now deceased, trying to cure ailments like goiter, spinal meningitis and multiple sclerosis through hypnotism."

There was also a discussion of his professional qualifications:

"According to another Phoenix University alumnus, a doctor of philosophy degree like the one Zee bought in 1957, costs $58. For another $10, the diploma came printed in Latin."

"He told a reporter for another Detroit paper that he had his doctoral degree in psychology from Duke University. The registrar of Duke University has no record of either Jay B. Zee or Jack B. Zitzer having been a student there. Zee twice applied to the State for certification as a psychologist, and was denied both times. He nevertheless, advertised himself as a 'psychologist' in direct violation of Act 257 of Public Acts of 1959 which reserves the title to persons who have met certain specific educational (qualifications.)

Zee says he got his master's degree in 1955 from a college in Indianapolis. His alma mater wouldn't permit such modesty. 'We gave him a DOCTOR'S degree in psychology,' said an officer of the College of Divine Metaphysics. 'He took two courses for the degree, one in practical metaphysics and another in metaphysical healing.' According to a brochure from the college, students begin by taking a 20-week course in how to heal cancer spiritually. Cost $100. Then they are permitted to move on to higher work."

The Newport Harbor Ensign, Dec. 22, 1966 

Searching for the new name Jack B. Zitzer produced no immediate matches, and neither did combinations with Jack Bernie Zitzen. It's not clear exactly when Zee changed from stage hypnotism to a medical career, but in 1961, an issue of the American Paint Journal, describes how Zee was billing himself:

"Dr. Jay B. Zee, Ph. D., Clinical Psychologist And Hypnotist."

Lastly, Claude found an even earlier press story on a Jay Zee, show, one from just a few months before the dawning of the flying saucer era, from The National Jewish Post, Jan. 31, 1947:

Checking this claim of "Professor Jay Zee"being the "world's youngest registered hypnotist," we found that he was born in 1917. This would have made him implausibly young to have been employeed as a medical health care professional during World War II, when Zee was supposedly working "for the government in psychiatric hospitals and with the intelligence department" as a psychologist.

Given these further revelations, it seems unlikely that his 1952 hypnosis of Robert Cross was part of a US UFO disinformation scheme. Jay Zee seems to have been nothing more than a charismatic con man, one of the many swindlers that have dabbled with flying saucers.

Postscript and Update

The News-Palladium from Benton Harbor, Michigan from April 29, 1959 reported:
"Jack B. Zitser, 41, applied to change his name to Jay B. Zee. Probate Judge Iran Kaufman declared: 'I'll grant your request. But how will I know you didn't influence me into doing so?'"

2021 research on another STTF story revealed that Jay Zee hosted a Detroit radio show on WGPR in the early 1960s. That show led to another flying saucer-related episode in his career. On April 5, 1962, Zee's guest was George King of the Aetherius Society, a flying saucer-based religious organization.

According to the site,, "Because of the tremendous interest in the program, Dr. Jay Zee did two more 2 hour interviews on April 6th and 7th ... a total of 6 hours on this radio station alone." So once again Jay Zee served saucers as entertainment for his audience.

Jay B. Zee PH.D
1917 -1990.
Star of David Memorial Gardens, North Lauderdale, Florida. 

As with so many of the most interesting UFO cases featured here at The Saucers That Time Forgot, Project Blue Book has no file on this incident.

Special thanks to Jeremiah Dugger for his research help on this story, and to the regular STTF staff, Claude Falkstrom and Curt Collins.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Reward: $1000 for Proof that Flying Saucers Are Real!

Flying saucers may not have become a big news item if not for cash rewards. Kenneth Arnold's sighting in June 24, 1947 was an unexpected by-product of him searching for a crashed Curtis Commando R5C military transport plane that carried a reward of $5,000 for the finder. Arnold struck out, but in the aftermath of his UFO sighting, several parties put forth rewards for evidence that the flying saucers were real.

(The text in the clipping below is tiny, but it's the headline that's important, and the detail from it shown below.)

Berkeley Daily Gazette, July 8, 1947

Three Rewards of $1,000 each for flying saucer proof from:
      • E.J. Culligan, Illinois businessman.
      • Spokane Athletic Round Table (a group of gangsters?)
      • World Inventors Congress (catch: offer expires in five days.)
"For a thousand dollars almost anyone will describe a flying saucer, and that is just what is happening today. E. J. Culligan — a Chicago industrialist — offered a reward for a flying saucer or a correct explanation of the celestial discs. Now he is being swamped by hundreds of letters and telegrams — all claiming to have the inside information on the saucers."
The Neosho Daily News from Neosho, Missouri on July 11, 1947

The Spokane Athletic Round Table wanted a saucer itself, delivered in person.

Walla Walla Union BulletinJuly 8, 1947

The World Inventors Congress also provided reward for a saucer, and the word was getting around. People started to come forward with claims.

On July 9, The Ceylon Observer reported: 
"Meanwhile, the World Inventors Congress has offered a thousand dollars reward for the delivery of a 'flying saucer' to their exhibition at Los Angeles this week.
      Concrete evidence too has not been wanting, so far three reports of 'discs' or parts of discs being reported.  While one discovery reports a "flimsy construction" with material "some sort of tin foil," another speaks of diecast metal an eighth of an inch thick melting only at a heat of 6,300 degrees, and third speaks of 'rock-like metal' which rained down from a huge flying disc."

The Concrete Evidence

"Flimsy construction" and "tin foil" was from the balloon crash found by Mac Brazel. A friend told him the debris might win him the prize, prompting him to report it to authorities at Roswell.

Warrant Officer Irving Newton identifying the Roswell tin foil.

"Diecast metal" was Lloyd Bennett's (disappointing) lawn discovery.

Fayette County Leader
July 10, 1947

"Rock like metal" was just common terrestrial slag from the Maury Island hoax by Fred Crisman, Harold Dahl and Ray Palmer.

August 1947 Tacoma Times

Stay Tuned

The cash rewards helped feed the 1947 public's saucer fever, and in the days and weeks to come, many more people would come forward with stories and claims of the recovery of crashed flying saucers. This serves as a teaser to a recurring series here at The Saucers That Time Forgot, tentatively titled, "Captured Flying Saucers," coming soon to this very screen.

Coming Soon!

© 2017, Curt Collins 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Desmond Leslie, George Adamski, and Ancient Aliens

George Adamski and Desmond Leslie, authors of Flying Saucers Have Landed, 1953.

Magazine advertisement

George Adamski had a series of UFO sightings, but became a major flying saucer celebrity after the release of his 1953 book, Flying Saucers Have Landed, where he told the story of encountering and communicating with Orthon, the pilot of a landed extraterrestrial spaceship. Better still, he had an abundance of evidence: multiple witnesses, physical traces and photographs! He later took movies of the saucer and continued to have contact and adventures with the visitors from space and share their message of peace and love with the people of Earth. 

(For the story on how Adamski's claims were challenged, see 

Orthon's spaceship, as photographed by George Adamski.

Desmond Leslie

Desmond Leslie's contribution is all but forgotten, but he was the primary author of the book. Adamski's section was added since it was a sensational new case, and it helped propel sales to the international bestseller status. Leslie examined old texts to find evidence of UFOs throughout history. 

A contemporary review of Flying Saucers Have Landed by P. Schuyler Miller in Astounding Science Fiction April 1954 added some valuable insight:
"...the Leslie-Adamski book merits serious consideration by saucer students only in so far as Desmond Leslie, a British occultist, extends the documentation of saucers and saucerlike phenomena through obscure sources and into ancient times. Drawing on the works of Madame Blavatsky, Ouspensky, James Churchward, Ignatius Donnelly, Annie Besant, C. W. Leadbeater, A. P. Sinnelt, ‘The Tibetan’ and other occultists...

Fanatics of the Leslie - Adamski school need no physical explanation for flying saucers, since by definition unexplained phenomena belong in the realm of the occult, and the occult ‘explains’ all things.”      
More recently, UFO historian Jerome Clark wrote about Leslie's lasting influence:
"In his section of 'Flying Saucers Have Landed' (1953), Irish occultist Desmond Leslie drew on esoteric lore (including James Churchward’s literary-hoax 'history' of the lost continent Mu), Celtic legends, pyramidology, and Eastern holy works...
If Leslie’s speculations owe more to occultism, science fiction, and crankish sensibility than to history as ordinarily understood, their echoes would resound through the 1950s and beyond, first in the saucerian ruminations of George Hunt Williamson, M. K. Jessup, Brinsley le Poer Trench, and W. Raymond Drake, then in the 'ancient astronauts' genre inspired by Jacques Bergier, Louis Pauwels, Robert Charroux, and most prominently, Erich von Daniken." 
From "A Brief History of UFO History"
Although many today are unaware of the source, both Desmond Leslie and George Adamski laid the foundation for what ufology is today. They deserve to be remembered for all they've done.

Unlike many of the most interesting UFO cases featured here at The Saucers That Time Forgot, Project Blue Book does have files on George Adamski's stories.
Project Blue Book: Mt. Palomar, CA, 25 Nov 1949 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Multiple Witness UFO Sighting: Tucson Sept. 3, 1952.

Frame from AF film, Operation Moby Dick, 01/1952

Dateline: Tuscon Arizona, September 3, 1952.
A UFO appeared high over the city, a hovering, silvery reflective object seen by multiple witnesses, and was reported on live over a radio broadcast. This story is notable for the testimony by a "trained observer," USAF pilot instructor Don McCraven who described the UFO's phenomenal flight, speed and maneuvers in detail.

Tucson Daily Citizen, September 3, 1952.

May Appear as "Flying Saucers" 

1951 DoD photo.

On 11 October 1951, the Department of Defense sent out an official press photo on the 
USAF research project "Moby Dick,"stating that: 
The 50 to 110 diameter balloons will drift over the United States and altitudes of 10 to 20 miles for the purpose of transmitting data concerning the high altitude winds and will be clearly visible at 100,000 feet above the earth during clear days. The transmitter suspended 100 feet below the balloon will send out signals to direction-finding stations. The Air Force has warned that the "Moby Dick" balloons may appear as "flying saucers" during the early and late hours of the day because of the sun reflecting from the transparent coverings. Persons finding collapsed balloons will receive a reward for the return of the radio unit.
Weather balloons? It was a cover story. The Moby Dick project was being developed for a Cold War surveillance program. For more details, see The Cold War’s Classified Skyhook Program: A Participant’s Revelations by B.D. Gildenberg

As with so many of the most interesting UFO cases featured here at The Saucers That Time Forgot, Project Blue Book has no file on this incident.

Flying Saucer Fun Gone Bad

The U.S. Air Force stated in 1949 that flying saucers “are not a joke.” The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette , April 27, 1949 Donald Keyhoe became fa...