Showing posts with label William Shakespeare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William Shakespeare. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2019

Forgotten UFO Literature: The Poems of 1947

In the first weeks of the flying saucer hysteria of 1947, many opinions were offered about the mystery. Some people expressed their outlook in the form of poetry, and here's a small collection of some early notable examples.

The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, from July 4, 1947:

Two saucer poems from The Boston Globe, July 7, 1947:

A (premature) lament about the end of the saucers. From the Pennsylvania Altoona Tribune,  July 22, 1947:

And finally, not exactly poetry, but a piece on what William Shakespeare might have said about UFOs. From Ohio's Dayton Daily News, July 8, 1947:

The UFO Disclosure that was Silenced

Some events in UFO history are remembered not as they occurred, but only as the legends they became. Once upon a time, the pioneering crusad...