Thursday, November 7, 2019

UFO Canards Denied Place in Dustbin of History

There are always new people being drawn into the UFO field with little familiarity in the work that has gone before. Time and again, old thoroughly debunked UFO tales gets rediscovered by a careless or clueless researcher, becoming "news" in a never-ending cycle. 

A short clip from the Warner Brothers library, edited as commentary by Claude Falkstrom, "On ufology and progress."


  1. An excellent point.

    So what UFOlogist number do we have for Tom DeLonge, and for Luis Elizondo?

    1. I made a mistake. It should've been something like Ufologist #4246, #4247, #4248.


The Professor's Message from Space

In 1952, UFO reports seemed to indicate an impending invasion by monstrous aliens: June 1952: News of Oskar Linke’s 1950 sighting of a lande...