Friday, November 3, 2017

Unidentified Lights in the Ohio Sky, Sept. 1952

 "...deep red streaks which met with a scarlet flash." (Reconstruction)
1952 was an explosive year for UFOs, and the Air Force was unable to investigate all the reports. Here's one they missed from Ohio.

Points mentioned in the story, Lockbourne Air Force Base, Ashville and Circleville. Ohio.

Mrs. Gail Wolf and her sons spotted some strange lights in the sky over Lockbourne, Ohio. Previously she'd been skeptical of saucers, "most people are, until they see something like we did."

The Circleville Herald, Sept. 6, 1952.
 The news story prompted another independent witness to come forward with testimony a few days later.

The Circleville Herald, Sept. 11 1952.

The Air Base that Link Brown was referring to was the former Lockbourne Air Force Base near Columbus, OH, known today as Rickenbacker International Airport.

As with so many of the most interesting UFO cases featured here at The Saucers That Time Forgot, Project Blue Book has no file on this incident.

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