The Jaroslaw Photographs in UFO Literature

The UFO photographs by Grant and Dan Jaroslaw on January 9, 1967, received enormous media attention, from national newspapers to broadcast coverage, including CBS Evening News. As soon as the Jaroslaw pictures were published in newspapers they began being reprinted and discussed in mainstream media and UFO publications. Later when Project Blue Book files were more accessible, Maj. Nyls’ imitation photos often were mistaken and mis-labeled as the “real” thing. In 1976, the brothers confessed in a letter to Dr. J. Allen Hynek the pictures had been created as a prank. 

The list below is an expansion of FOTOCAT listing by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos on the Jaroslaw case. It includes the major newspaper articles, the known discussion of the case in UFO literature, and notable examples of the story or photos appearing in various products and websites.

The Detroit News, January 10, 1967 (First press, reporter Herschel P. Fink led the journalistic investigation and further news throughout.) 

The Detroit News, Jan. 16, 1967. “Expert Sees ‘No Hoax’ in Boys’ UFO Photos” launched copycat stories from AP, UPI, and others in most papers across the USA, saying that Dr. Hynek considered the photos “authentic.” 

The Brattleboro Daily Reformer, January 17, 1967. 

San Francisco Examiner, Jan 17, 1967. 

Detroit Free Press, January 22, 1967. 

San Jose News, Feb 7, 1967. 

The Detroit News, March 26, 1967. (Story on Blue Books’ Maj. Nyls duplicating the photo with a model and fishing line.) 

Edmonton Journal (Alberta, Canada), February 15, 1967. “Similar Sightings,” article about Harold Pawluk’s Los Angeles photo that resembled Jaroslaw UFO. (Later admitted to be a copycat hoax. Reprinted at UFO*BC (British Columbia, Canada). 

James H. Frey, The APRO Bulletin, January-February 1967, p 6. “Brothers Photograph Object” 

Current Science (Weekly Science Newspaper), Vol. 52 No. 20, February 22, 1967, American Education Publications, pp 1-2.   

Data-Net No. 2, 1967 (March?) pp 13-14.(News clippings.) 

This Week (Sunday magazine insert) appeared in many papers including, The Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), March 5, 1967. 

Saucers, Space & Science, No. 47, Spring 1967, cover and p 1.,%20Space%20&%20Science%20%20(Duplantier)/Saucers%2C%20Space%20%26%20Science%20-%20No%2047.pdf

Dayton Daily News, May 17, 1967. (Blue Book concludes case as probable hoax but stated: “unable to reach any conclusions.”)

Science & Mechanics, May 1967, p 35. (Photos as seen in newspapers, caption, no article.)

Flying Saucers International, No. 25, July 1967, AFSCA. (2 Newspaper clippings.)

Flying Saucers, No. 53, August 1967, Palmer Publications (A Michigan case is discussed- probably Jaroslaw?)

Flying Saucers, UFO Reports (Dell), No 2, 1967, “Best I’ve Ever Seen,” pp 14-15

Flying Saucers, UFO Reports (Dell), No 3, October 1967, p 2. (letter)

Flying Saucers and UFOs (KMR), 1, 1967, pp 18-19.

TRUE Flying Saucers and UFOs Quarterly, Spring 1967, p 8, "Capturing UFOs on Film."

 The New Report on Flying Saucers (“By the Publishers of True” Fawcett), No. 2, 1967, pp. 30-31. (Not a story, full page photo, witness photo with caption.)

Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers Here and Now!, Lyle Stuart, 1967. (Brief mention, no photo)

I. A. Greenfield, The U.F.O. Report, Lancer, 1967, 1969 “revised edition,” Cover illustration.

Phénomènes Spatiaux, March 1967, p 4. 

Max B. Miller (ed), Flying Saucers Pictorial, April, 1967, p 44.

Probe, Vol 4, No 1, Spring 1967. p 37. (News clippings)

Max B. Miller (ed), Flying Saucers Illustrated, “Compiled by the editors of Real Magazine,” Kling House Ltd. 1967, pp ?

G. Soule, UFOs & IFOs, G.P. Putnam´s Sons, 1967, pp 182-183. (Children’s book.)

Herschel P. Fink, True, (The Magazine for Men) March 1968, pp 62-63, 67-69.

Philip Klass, UFOs - Identified, Random House, 1968, pp 138-140

Robert Loftin, Identified Flying Saucers, David McKay, 1968, pp 141-142.

D. White, Is Something up There?, Scholastic, 1968, pp 116-117. (Children’s book.)

Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine, Dec. 1, 1968, “Will Somebody Please Identify These Flying Objects?” p 32 (photo only)

Data-Net #40, Oct. 1970. (Chronological listing.)

 Data-Net # 49, July 1971 (listing of US cases by state, quoting D-N #40.)

Paris Flammonde, The Age of Flying Saucer, Hawthorn Books, 1971, p 197

UFO: Target Earth, 1974 science fiction movie written & directed by Alessandro De Gaetano. Closing credits features uncredited “real” UFO pictures including two by the Jaroslaw brothers.

 Dallas Morning News, Dec. 23, 1973, p 24, “Dark Silent Glow: Reflection or UFO?” (Pictures and caption only, recycled as illustrations.)

G. de Turris and S. Fusco, Obiettivo sugli UFO, Mediterranee, 1975, p 176.

Sunday Plain Dealer Magazine, Nov. 15, 1975, p 26, “VIP in UFOs” an article on researcher Earl J. Neff. Jaroslaw photo with caption is used only as an illustration.

Argosy UFO, July 1976, pictured on cover, associated with the article, "Pilots and UFO Encounters" by Brad Steiger

Dr. J, Allen Hynek, UFO/IFO, 1976. Set of UFO slides and audiotape for Edmund Scientific, included the Jaroslaw saucer (as a fake), and he said he’d been only partially convinced of the photos being genuine. 

Flammonde, UFO Exist!, G.P. Putnam´s, 1976, pp plate (of Maj. Nyls’ imitation, reversed), 439 (listing in chronology appendix).

Maj. Nyls' "imitation," flipped.

Charles Bowen, ed., Encounter Cases From Flying Saucer Review, Signet Books, 1977, cover (interior?)

Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, Vol 2, No 7, July 1977, p 8, (refers to the hoax being revealed “last year,” discussion of lack of radar confirmation).

Allan Hendry The UFO Handbook, Doubleday, 1979, pp 204-209 (picture, text of hoax confession letter).

David C. Knight, UFO's: A Pictorial History from Antiquity to the Present, McGraw-Hill, 1979, pp? (unknown, but 2 pages.)

The MUFON UFO Journal, January 1980, p 17 (mentioned in connection with book review of UFO's: A Pictorial History from Antiquity to the Present by David C. Knight)

Wayne Laporte, “How to Build Model UFOs, The APRO Bulletin, February 1980, pp 6-7.

Reprinted in The MUFON UFO Journal, Oct. 1980.

M. Machlin and T. Beckley, UFO, Quick Fox, 1981, p 30.

Flying Saucer Review, Vol 28, No 4, March 1983, p 18. “In Search of a Stereotype” by W.P Dillon and J. Randles (comparison to other UFOs with tails).

The UFO Phenomenon (Mysteries of the Unknown), Time Life Books, 1987, p 95 (presented as hoax)

Jenny Randles, The UFO Conspiracy, Blandford/Sterling, 1987, p 90

UFO: The Continuing Enigma, Reader´s Digest, 1991, p 52. (“Brotherly Deception,” brief discussion of hoax.)

P. Brookesmith, UFO. The Complete Sightings Catalogue, Blandford, 1995, pp 88-89.

The Detroit News, Feb. 13, 1995, "The great Michigan UFO chase"

Jerome Clark, The UFO Encyclopedia, Volume 3, Omnigraphics, 1996, p 258. (photo and caption, no article.)

Janet Bord, Fortean Times, 102, September 1997, p 36.

John A. Keel, The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings, Macmillan, 2002, pp 204-205 (brief mention.)

Robert Moore, An Introductory Guide to UFOs, BUFORA, 2005, p 32.

TopFoto Gallery Package - UFOs - “Hoax photograph of UFO by Jaroslaw brothers, Lake St Clair, Michigan, USA, 9th January 1967.” (Site defunct, no pictures at archive.)


Government Documents


Project Blue Book Jaroslaw case files on Fold3

PBB Report:

PBB Photos: 

CIA NPIC analysis, National Photographic Interpretation Center, February 17, 1967,

Rob Mercer located and obtained Project Blue Book files in 2013 from the personal collection of Lt. Carmon Marano. Among them were some of the photographs from the investigation of the Jaroslaw case, later shared in a collection at The Black Vault site.

Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos hosts high-resolution scans of the pictures mentioned above at his UFO FOTOCAT blog.

Websites with Maj. Nyls’ Photos Mistaken for the “Real” Thing

UFO Evidence, “January 9, 1967 - Lake St. Clair, Michigan, USA,” includes photos, a summary, and excerpts the article, "Capturing UFOs on Film", Flying Saucers and UFOs Quarterly, Spring 1967.

Hoaxer Scott C. Waring at UFO Sighting Daily: “This Day In UFO History, Jan 9, 1967 UFO Photo Taken In Michigan, UFO Sighting News.”

Digg: “The Best Photos Of  'UFOs' We Found In The Newly-Released Project Blue Book Collection.”

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