Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Robert Spencer Carr and Hangar 18

Carr seems like a minister as he speaks slowly and deliberately in a deep, lilting voice. And, in a way, he is a minister. He preaches an attitude of peace, good will and cooperation with "our friends from space.”
- Jane Baumann in the Clearwater Sun, Oct. 27, 1974

Professor Robert Spencer Carr was the guest of a local radio show on Oct. 11, 1974 to promote the upcoming Flying Saucer Symposium by PSI Conferences in Tampa, Florida. During the interview, Carr made the shocking disclosure of the US government’s cover-up of the crash of a UFO in New Mexico. It created a media sensation that lasted for months in print and broadcast news. But who was Robert Spencer Carr?

Bob Carr was born March 26, 1909, and as brilliant youthful author published in prominent magazines, not only in pulps such as Weird Tales, but also mainstream slicks such as the Saturday Evening Post. His son, Timothy Spencer Carr, contributed a mini-bio to the Internet Speculative Fiction Database that fills in some of the blanks:

He was a child prodigy with published magazine articles at age 10, an international best-selling novel author at age 18 and a Hollywood screen writer at 20... he had 3 novels and at least a dozen short stories, mostly science fiction. Like many of his colleagues, he became a member of the USA Communist party during the 1930's. He actually lived in Russia from 1933 to 1938 (during the worst of Stalin's purges), where he became totally disenchanted with Communism. He returned to the US and renounced his party membership. He refused to testify against his former comrades during the HUAC witch-hunts of the 1950's.

Back in the US, Carr resumed his writing career, which included a substantial body of work during his four years as Director of Educational Research for Walt Disney Studios. He served in the Army during World War II, enlisting in 1944 and becoming a sergeant where he wrote lectures for officers to deliver to the troops. After that, he returned to the motion picture industry for several years, writing and producing educational films contracted by the State Department at the International Film Foundation. It was also during this period that Carr became interested in flying saucers.

Carr had a particular fondness for fantasy and science fiction, and his story about extraterrestrial visitors, “Morning Star,” was published in the December 6, 1947 issue of The Saturday Evening Post. In his author’s profile, Carr was described as “a devoted follower of the late Charles Fort, and a member of the Fortean Society,” and that he was a supporter in the possibility “that men from Mars—if not babes from Venus—already have visited the earth.” In Carr’s “Easter Eggs" (later retitled “The Invaders”) from the Sept. 24, 1949 edition of The Saturday Evening Post, two alien ovoid spaceships land, one actually on the White House lawn, the other in Moscow. It gives a hint of  Carr’s thoughts on the advanced mental and psychic powers of extraterrestrials - and our potential to match them. Bette Pringle, a White House secretary, establishes communication:
“I caught a glimpse of something alive inside, about the size of a man, sitting at controls. He tried to talk to me… He seemed to speak inside my mind, not with words but with ideas. With pictures too, pictures no artist could paint.”

Carr and Ufology

1952 marked the end of Carr’s film work and his literary career, his “The Coming of the Little People,” published The Blue Book, for their November issue. However, in July of that year he wrote something memorable for the President of the United States. Little evidence of Carr’s early UFO-related activity survives, but researcher Larry Bryant found documentation of it. Bryant examined letters to President Harry S. Truman from the public on the subject of flying saucers, writing, “The collected letters – or at least that portion that somehow escaped referral to the Department of Defense for reply – now reside at the Truman Library in Independence, Mo. … A White House staffer synopsized each letter in a cross-reference log.”
Carr’s letter to the President was forwarded, but the remarks by the staff note:
Robert Spencer Carr of Clearwater, Fla. (7/31/52)
“Writer encloses miscellaneous material relative to 'flying saucers’ – suggestions for contact. Respectfully referred to the Department of the Air Force for appropriate handling. Requests President’s comment re this. Threatens to publicize his letter if he does not receive an answer. Critical of the Pentagon. (consideration and appropriate handling.)”

During the 1950s, Carr otherwise was not active publicly in UFO activities, but he was a long-time member of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). The best period documentation of Carr’s NICAP role in a high-profile investigation into a 1965 UFO occupant encounter.

Carr, during the 1965 Brooksville investigation.

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida, September 26, 1965
“A Public relations man from Pinellas County, Robert Carr, a member of NICAP,” told about the investigation of “the Brooksville incident in which a man testified that he spotted a landed unidentified craft with strange creatures walking around outside... Creatures three to four feet long have been reported... Carr also stressed that he does not believe any of the reports involving sightings of space creatures that he has investigated so far.” (Project Blue Book has a 109-page file on the Brooksville case, and on page 44, a clipping of the APRO Bulletin, which mentions Carr’s investigation.

Operation Lure
1973 marked Carr’s next public UFO exposure, in a book by Major Donald E. Keyhoe. Carr was teaching classes in creative writing at the University of South Florida, but became more vocal about his position and beliefs about UFOs as he neared retirement. He’d written to President Truman in 1952 about contacting aliens, and twenty years on, Carr found someone interested in the idea. There was a plan, Operation Lure, which was the title of the ultimate chapter of Major Donald E. Keyhoe’s final book from 1973, Aliens from Space. According to Keyhoe, Operation Lure would be  “The first planned meeting of aliens and humans could be the start of mutual adjustments, leading to great advances for our world.” It was the UFO equivalent of a duck blind, complete with decoys, “an isolated base with unusual structures and novel displays, designed to attract the UFO aliens' attention... three or more dummy UFOs, disc types with domes, built of aluminum... the decoy UFOs and the education buildings flood-lighted from dusk to dawn. It may be several days before there is any reaction, but there are solid reasons to believe the Lure will work.”

The architect of Operation Lure?

The basic idea was first suggested by a NICAP Special Adviser, Robert Spencer Carr, former Director of Educational Research, Walt Disney Studios, a specialist in visual-aid education who has served with the Army Orientation Service and has produced educational films for the State Department. Since the original suggestion, I have privately expanded the plan with aid from Carr, linguists, psychologists and experts in other fields.

Carr placed special emphasis on the need for the lure to have projected movie images on an outdoor screen, noting that there had been many UFOs attracted to drive-in theatres. Once friendly contact was established, Carr believed the aliens could begin sharing “the benefits they might bring us.”

With his name and plan published in Keyhoe’s book, Carr began exploiting it, using it as evidence of his expertise in the UFO topic. In January 1974, at the University of South Florida, Carr engaged a USF Astronomy professor on stage in a debate, “UFO - Believe It or Not.” It was during this debate that Carr made his first public claim about captured flying saucers. The Tampa Tribune, Jan. 16, 1974 reported:

One of the best-kept secrets of the United States Government is that in Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, there are two flying saucers of unknown origin, a University of South Florida instructor said yesterday.

The Tampa Tribune, Jan. 16, 1974

This article on Carr’s debate seems to be the the first time Hangar 18 was named as the hiding place for UFO secrets, at least in print. If Carr wasn’t the first to name it, he certainly is responsible for making the name Hangar 18 famous. The story only was good only for some local news coverage at the time, but it exploded in the Fall with further disclosures. Hangar 18 was just the opening of Carr’s message, though. The crashed saucer story was a teaser to demonstrate what the UFO cover-up was depriving us of, to highlight how much more we could learn from the aliens by using Operation Lure to establish contact.

Dr. Carr’s Radio Disclosure

Robert Carr retired from the university in June 1974, and took up a new career as a UFO lecturer. PSI Conferences (PSI for Psychic, Spiritual and Intuition) hired him for the Tampa “Flying Saucer Conference,” and on Oct. 11, 1974, during a local radio show interview to promote it, Carr told his story of captured saucers again, but in far greater detail. This time, it made international news, and Carr was hounded by newspapers,  radio and television reporters for more information. Local radio started the buzz with the Carr interview, and the Zodiac News Service (ZNS, provider of bizarre and offbeat stories to progressive radio stations, college, community and underground newspapers) helped broadcast the sensational news nationally.

It's Out of This World...
(ZNS) Professor Robert Carr, a former instructor at the University of South Florida, announced last week that the United States government has secretly captured a complete U.F.O. with 12 dead beings aboard. Now. Professor Carr is predicting that by December 15th - in about eight weeks the U.S. government will launch a carefully-engineered effort to prepare American for an announcement of the existence of extraterrestrial life. the professor created a minor sensation last week after stating in a Florida press conference that the Pentagon has recovered a perfect "flying saucer" that allegedly had crash-landed in the desert near Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948. Professor Carr says that his sources for the incredible story are three men directly connected to covering up or protecting the project—a biologist who examined the bodies; a security guard who protected the ship in a hangar at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio; and a high ranking military officer who reportedly viewed the bodies of the 12 small beings while autopsies were conducted on them. The professor states that all his sources report that the 12 beings were apparently the victims of a decompression accident when the ship was punctured alter entering the Earth's atmosphere. All witnesses, he says, described the visitors as being exactly like small humans —three to four feet tall; white skinned; light haired; blue eyed; in perfect physical condition, but with highly-developed brains. The professor insists that the 12 bodies are still in "deep freeze" at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and that the ship is being concealed in a hangar at the air base. Wright-Patterson Air Force officials flatly and unequivocally deny the entire account.
Albany Student Press, Oct. 29, 1974

Carr’s mission was to launch Operation Lure, but all most people heard was, “Wright-Patterson Field has in its possession a spacecraft… blah, blah, blah.” Many people hearing the news break on radio took it to be an explosive new disclosure, mistakenly thinking Carr was describing a recent UFO capture, not a story from 1948. Reporters were just interested in the saucer and bodies in Hangar 18, so the plan for peaceful contact was seldom mentioned. The press coverage of the story was huge, carried in newspapers across the US and Canada by syndicated newswires such as the Associated Press and United Press International.

The Orlando Sentinel, Oct. 12, 1974
There was a great deal of excitement, and a fair amount of confusion. When newspapers reported the story the day after the interview, the story began to be challenged. Next:

Friday, May 25, 2018

UFOlogy 1974: The Flying Saucer Symposium in Tampa

With the success of PSI ’74, and the strong interest shown in the UFO programming, Lawrence Brill and PSI (Psychic, Spiritual and Intuition) Conferences decided to do it again, but as a three day "Flying Saucer Symposium." 

Bestselling author Erich von Daniken was booked as the headline speaker, and other guests included Ralph and Judy Blum, Herbert Schirmer, Robert Spencer Carr, and psychic healers and performers. Psychic Bernadene Villanueva, who had helped launch the earlier PSI ‘74 conference, did not attend, perhaps due to her engagement that weekend in Long Beach, CA, in “an amazing evening of demonstrations of prophecy and healing.”

A tongue-in-cheek editorial by Jim Fain, editor of the Dayton Daily News from Ohio was carried by many other US newspapers under various titles, including, “Flying Saucer Study For Psychics Parley.” This version is from The Palm Beach Post, Oct. 18, 1974.

The conference was heavily advertised in area newspapers, and in radio ad television interviews. 
The Tampa Tribune Oct. 17 1974
WPLA Advertisement:

Do You Believe in Flying Saucers?
U.F.O.’S - Ancient Astronauts ... & ESP will be the subject of discussion on WPLA’s public affairs program “Project 74” Wed 9:15 AM Oct. 23rd.

In a Florida interview promoting the conference, Robert Spencer Carr made a spectacular disclosure that was picked up and carried in the national news, and it will be discussed in a separate section.

Brill’s other guests were newsworthy, too, and during the promotional period for the conference, some of them appeared on national TV shows. The listing for Tuesday, October 29, 1974, the NBC Tomorrow Show, a talk show hosted by Tom Snyder:
1:00 TOMORROW - The subject is UFOs. Guests are Herb Schirmer, former police chief in Ashland, Nebr., who will discuss his trip aboard a UFO and Ralph Blum, UFO investigator. 

Flying Saucer Symposium

"Flying Saucer Symposium" was held Nov. 1, 2 and 3rd at the International Inn in Tampa, except for the Erich von Daniken lecture, which was held at Tampa University’s McKay Auditorium. Lectures were priced separately, usually four to five dollar each, but a 3-day ticket to the entire symposium was sold for $37.50.
The events drew about 400, 700, or 1000 attendees, according to various reports.

International Inn in Tampa

Friday Nov. 1

Ralph Blum, and his co-author Judy Blum of Beyond Earth
UFO “Rap Session, Private & Film Special: “In Search of Ancient Astronauts”
Ralph and Judy Blum served as moderators for the symposium, and opened it with a discussion of their work. The Blums became UFO believers while researching a project for NBC and produced a book that reflected the times, giving heavy coverage to the 1973 cases, the Pascagoula Abduction in particular, but also covering “ancient” UFO sightings up to airships, and modern cases, including that of Herb Schirmer, also a guest at the symposium. Interviewed afterwards for the Nov. 21, 1974 Tampa Bay Times, a reporter posed a non-question: 
“Parapsychology, acupuncture, psychic healing, you give indication in your book that they all have to do with UFOs.” 
Ralph Blum replied, “They do. A little 9-year-old kid came up to me the other day and said, ‘Hey man what if ESP is how the spaceship pilots talk.’ A nine-year-old. A generation born to the knowledge that man can leave the earth. Star Trek. 2001. All of it is there.” 

Saturday, Nov. 2

Dr. Robert S. Carr of NICAP
“Spectacular Uncovering Govt. Information”

Carr’s lecture will be examined at length in a more detailed piece, but his ultimate goal was to establish contact with aliens from UFOs, and he offered some advice:
“If you see the occupants collecting soil or vegetation, as they are prone to do, hold your hands up to show you were not armed. Advanced carefully, making friendly gestures with your arm extended and think friendly thoughts. Repeating, ‘I love you, I love you’ in your mind will help.” (Quoted in Tampa Bay Times, Nov. 20, 1974.)

Dr. J. H. Bruening of The University Of Mississippi 
“Moving Pictures of UFOs”
A newspaper summarized Bruening’s theory: “UFOs are paraphysical, ultraterrestrial; they exist in another dimension at a different frequency and are not limited by our time coordinates.” Bruening was aligned with the mystical concepts about UFOs promoted by Meade Layne’s Borderlands Science group, John Keel and Jacques Vallee. The films he showed were of the Adamski type, and one sounds like the Benedum airport” saucer film made and marketed by the legendary Gray Barker.
Dr. J. H. Bruening, professor of parapsychology at Ole Miss, screened three films of UFOs. Dancing in the air like falling leaves, the domed discs started and frisked over open fields and airport runways, captured on film by amateur photographers quite by chance.Beings from a parallel universe, or visitors from other planets channeled here through another dimension, are attempting to educate us by UFO displays, Bruening theorizes. “They come and go seemingly to and from nowhere, without regard for the loss of time and space,” he says. Dimensional warps, Bruening says, explain the sudden entrances and exits, paralleling UFO phenomenon – levitation, teleportation, telepathy – to similar effects seen in spiritual seances. (Quoted in Tampa Bay Times, Nov. 4, 1974.)
Herbert Schirmer & Ralph Blum
“Victim Tells Complete Story Never Told”
Ex-policeman Herb Schirmer gave a somewhat jumbled account of his UFO sighting from Ashland, Nebraska, on December 3, 1967, and the subsequent hypnotic regression that produced a story of extraterrestrial contact. Not really an abduction, Schirmer supposedly toured the flying saucer and had a chat with an alien about their plans for a gradual and friendly "invasion." Much of his talk focused on the aftermath of the incident, and his rejection by the local community.
The Schirmer lecture was recorded, and is hosted on Steven W. Kaeser’s site:

Erich von Daniken
“Author of Chariots of the Gods”
Erich von Daniken’s lecture drew the largest audience, but dealt with the most familiar material, the author merely repeating material from his bestselling books on the “Ancient Astronaut” theory.
“Seen through the eyes of a primitive intelligence, foreign cosmonauts would be perceived as mighty gods. All of the mythology says the gods will come back. It is better for man to be prepared for such a cultural shock.

Clearwater Sun, Nov. 4, 1974

Sunday Nov. 3

The final day’s lectures focused on psychic matters rather than the extraterrestrial.
A description from The Morning News (Wilmington, Delaware) Page October 31, 1974,
“Outer space is back in vogue” by Al Kramer:
The last day of the symposium switches from the mysteries of space to the spiritual on earth. On the bill are a faith healer, a woman who will explain that "the blind can see," an acupuncture demonstration "with real needles," and a lecture by a "superpsychic" on the practical uses of ESP. 
Rev. Leroy E. Zemke, pastor of Temple of the Living God of St. Petersburg
Spiritual/Psychic Healing: “How and Whys of Healing” 

Evelyn Monahan author of “Put Your Psychic Powers to Work”
“The Blind Can See” 

Dr. E. Stanton Maxey (Stuart FL) “Acupuncture Demonstration with Needles, Also Health Foods."
Maxey was the author of the article, "A Surgeon's Observation on Psychic Surgery" in which he discusses his encounters with several psychic surgeons of the Philippines.

Dr. David Hoy (aka Dr. Faust)
“‘Super Psychic’ Practical Uses of ESP”
"Known from coast-to-coast for his radio and TV telephone psychic readings..."

Lawrence Brill admitted the last day's events were a mistake. "I underestimated the draw of UFOs. I should have scheduled more on UFOs."

Lectures and Merchandise

The Tampa Tribune, Nov. 3, 1974.
The speakers were the star attraction, but there was also merchandise. After his lecture, Robert Carr got in a plug for it when he was asked where flying saucers came from. “I have asked three astronomers and four astro-physicists the same question. This is the consensus...and it is also the consensus in the excellent selection of books out in the lobby....that the UFOs come from outside our solar system.”

There was far more than just books on sale, psychic readings, acupuncture demonstrations, UFO detectors… Rik Cosmic's electric mushrooms…

The Morning News (Wilmington, Delaware) Page October 31, 1974 had Lawrence Brill reflect on what was to come in, “Outer space is back in vogue” by Al Kramer:
Brill is already looking forward to future ventures in the realm of the unknown. He's thinking about a follow-up symposium in Atlanta and has scheduled a "conference" aboard a cruise ship in February. "It will be for about 200 people who can get together and . . . er . . . you know, talk about things they have in common, UFOs, the psychic and astrology.”
The last known event hosted by PSI conferences was:
Astrology & ESP Classes Starting Nov. 12, 13 , 14 Day and Evening Sessions...
“Develop your Awareness”

Sadly, Lawrence Brill died the next year. His vision of a series of multi-disciplinary paranormal symposiums was not realized.

Racine Journal Times, Dec 22 1975

Lawrence Brill was a bit ahead of his time, but others would see that his dream of a conference on UFOs, psychic and paranormal topics aboard a cruise ship was brought to life.

PSI’s 1974 Predictions of UFO Disclosure

An interesting bit of trivia: A least five of the prominent guests from the two PSI Conferences shows predicted some kind of UFO revelation or disclosure in the near future.

Jeane Dixon predicted that UFOs would soon be in contact with the Earth. In 1976 she tried again saying, “I know that these aliens, who are really just better developed humans from a planet on the opposite side of the sun, will begin transmitting their secrets to us no later than August 1977.” (OMNI magazine, Nov. 1978)

Bernadene Villanueva, who helped put the psychic in PSI, predicted in the fall of 1974, "Within the next 18 months we will see absolute, conclusive proof of UFO's." (National Enquirer, Nov. 5, 1974," as quoted in The UFO Verdict,  by Robert Sheaffer, 1981.)

Charles Hickson, of Pascagoula Abduction fame: “I think before the year is out, that our government is going to - particularly our Air Force - is going to come out to the American people and tell them that these things do exist." (WWDC radio program, “UFOs: Fact or Fiction?” on Nov. 14, 1974.) 

Ralph Blum, author of  Beyond Earth: Man’s Contact with UFOs, said, “I believe the government already knows that UFOs are piloted by aliens from another star system… Perhaps within the year… The government is ready to tell what it knows.” (Grit News Section August 11, 1974)

 Robert Spencer Carr, speaking at a PSI press conference in Oct. 1974:
“Five weeks ago, I heard from the highest authority in Washington that before Christmas the whole UFO cover-up will be ended. There will be a public admission that UFOs have been real, and that for the past 25 years, the Air Force have known they were piloted by human-like beings.” (The Tampa Tribune, Oct. 16, 1974)

Of all the Flying Saucer Symposium speakers, it was Robert Carr that made the biggest news and overshadowed the entire conference. While few know his name today, Carr’s story rocked the world - and changed the course of history. UFO history, at least.

In our next chapter, we examine Robert Spencer Carr and his shocking claim of the saucer and alien bodies inside Hangar 18.
The Tampa Tribune, Oct. 16, 1974

For more original newspaper clippings and larger versions of the ones above, see our
News article page on the Tampa Flying Saucer Symposium.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

PSI ‘74: Psychics and the UFO Witness from Pascagoula

In our last installment, UFO Promoter, Lawrence Brill: From Crime to Conferences, we saw how a convicted real estate swindler found a new calling as the promoter of a paranormal and UFO conferences.

The PSI in PSI Conferences was for Psychic, Spiritual and Intuition. Brill, with the help of rising psychic star, Bernadene Villanueva, they were able to gather an impressive roster for their first program, top talent ranging from psychic celebrities to scientists and best-selling authors. The conference was named PSI ’74 and events were held at the Hilton Hotel and the Bayfront Center in St. Petersburg, Florida, on Aug. 2, 3 and 4, 1974. The conference was heavily promoted through advertising and Villanueva’s media interviews.

Uni-Com Guide: Here and Now Aug. 1974 featured a cover and interview with Bernadene Villanueva, and a full-page ad for PSI ‘74

The two-day conference included psychic rap sessions, Mrs. Dixon’s speech “A Gift Of Prophecy” and psychic healings.

PSI ‘74 featured:

Jeane Dixon was the keynote speaker, “A Gift Of Prophecy”
Joseph DeLouise known for his predictions (Chicago)
Bernadene Villanueva (gave a demonstration of psychic healing)
Rev. Jean Page Bryant Tampa psychic, radio talk show host

Dr. J. Wilfred Hahn of the Mind Science Foundation (Laredo, TX)
Dr. Stanton Maxey (Stuart, FL) Acupuncture Expert, speaking “on the elimination of fatigue factor in pilots as a means of preventing airplane crashes.”

Jess Stearn, author of “Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet”
Robert Prete, Astrologer and publisher of Rising Sign magazine (Los Angeles)
Tom Valentine, editor of The National Tattler
Robert Parker, New Awareness magazine founder

Perhaps to pad the show, Brill added some UFO content,

Charles Hickson (UFO witness)
“I was on a UFO”

The Pascagoula Abduction story of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker is so famous, we won’t repeat it here, but for anyone needing a recap, here’s their own story from their hometown paper, Pascagoula’s The Mississippi Press, Oct. 13, 1973:
See larger version in the PSI '74 photo collection.

Most of the other guests did not have a strong UFO connection, but Page Bryant believed that UFOs had a connection to the Bermuda Triangle, and Jeane Dixon had made a high-profile prediction on the future of UFOs.

The Press Coverage
Jeane Dixon’s appearance grabbed most of the press attention, recounting several of her predictions, from the topic of UFOs to the fate of the U.S. President.

Sarasota Herald Tribune, Aug 5 1974
See larger version in the PSI '74 photo collection.
The Clearwater Sun August 5, 1974
"Dixon Fails To Spellbound" by Michael Bane
Ms. Dixon came to St. Petersburg at the behest of the promoters of PSI ‘74, an omnibus convention of almost anyone interested in the psychic world and psychic phenomena. Their playbill ran the gamut from authors and lecturers to UFOlogists to Ms. Dixon, the Saturday night headliner. The crowd was primed for revelations. Ms. Dixon had none to offer.
Questions from the audience gave “her a chance to run down her most recent predictions – UFOs would soon be in contact with the Earth, the President (Nixon) would remain in office and weather the impeachment storm, former vice-President Agnew is slated for a comeback in the United States is slated for a civil war before the end of the century, backed by “our country’s enemies.”

A Disclosure of Pascagoula Contact - of the Psychic Kind

In August, Reporter John Keasler wrote a multi-part article series on the PSI ’74 conference for the Thomasville Times. In addition to the lectures, there was a thriving section for merchants offering products and services:
Today I'll describe a psychic convention. You go with an open mind no pun meant, and your first impression could be oh - oh: Look out for the pitchmen, keep one hand on your wallet and don't play cards with strangers. The impression doesn't last very long, although there is an "ESP - testing machine" for sale at a booth in the corridor. It's simply a calculator in which you push buttons and try to match numbered lights you can't see, on the operators side. I don't think many were sold at $179.50. For 50 cents you can test your own psychic ability.
Charles Hickson of Pascagoula, Mississippi.
During the show, Keasler met UFO witness Charles Hickson, and found him to be the most credible person there. He interviewed Hickson about his Pascagoula abduction experiences, and Hickson told him that for months afterward he was terrified, but something had eased that.
“Yeah the fear’s gone now. It was bad for a while. I can’t tell you how bad.”
Keasler asked if it was because of the monstrous appearance of his abductors.
“That was bad enough, but something more than that. I couldn’t explain it to myself, at first. But it was that they were machines.”

When asked, Hickson said, “What made the fear go away? I can’t really tell you … just yet.”
Keasler backed off, but later returned to the topic. Hickson refused, so the reporter took a stab, guessing, “ Do you mean that you are being somehow contacted by space people?  Telepathically?”
Hickson, replied, “Yep.” But he wouldn’t say more about it. Discussing his abductors, Hickson said, “…what picked me and Calvin up was machines… operated by a mind somewhere else.”
Later, Kessler returned to the telepathic contact, asking, “When did your messages start?”
“About three months after they got us, or to put it this way, just about the same time my nightmares stopped.”
Keasler asked him if he was worried they would come back, but Hickson said, “I wouldn’t be afraid next time.”
“Because of the messages you’ve gotten?”
“I can’t say yet."
From UFO Contact at Pascagoula, 1983 book by Charles Hickson and William Mendez.
Two years later, Hickson recalled his close encounter with a famous psychic from the conference.
Valley News (Van Nuys, CA) June 27, 1976
"Man still marvels at ‘space things’" by Douglas R. Sease (UPI)
“I'm convinced to my satisfaction that they were robots controlled by a mother ship somewhere... I spoke with Jeane Dixon (a reputed Washington, D.C. psychic) about this and she fully believed me,” Hickson said. “She said they came from a planet that's just beyond Jupiter, one our astronomers think is there but they haven’t seen it since Jupiter is always between it and the earth."

When Prophecy Fails

Jeane Dixon and the psychics at PSI ‘74 failed to foresee the resignation of President Richard Nixon on August 8, 1974, just days after the conference. If the prediction of UFO disclosure and contact were to be fulfilled, it would be under the leadership of the newly inaugurated Gerald Ford as President of the United States.

PSI Expansion

In the weeks that followed, PSI Conferences produced some smaller events, a one-day event:

Saturday Aug 24
PSI Conferences 1 day only lecture at Tampa’s Admiral Benbow Inn.
(Day-long conference)
Fee $25 All Lectures & Banquet

and later, a 6-week class on

PSI Conferences Study Center Classes
Aug 27 - Oct 16 Weeks $25 10 - 12 AM
Psychic Development 
Introduction to Metaphysics Psychic Development
Instructor Page Bryant

These classes were partly to produce some income until the next PSI Conferences production...

Lawrence Brill and his PSI Conferences partners were taken by surprise that one of their minor acts at PSI ‘74 received a disproportionate amount of interest. Charles Hickson of the Pascagoula abduction had been a big hit, and it inspired them to put UFOs front and center for their second major event, the Flying Saucer Symposium in November of 1974.

Next up, the story of the epic

1974 Tampa Flying Saucer Symposium

For the STTF collection of more news articles on PSI ‘74, see this link.

An Unlikely Believer

Prostitution, crime, drugs, and homosexuality – these were the subjects of the first three books by Jess Stearn (1914-2002). Stearn was born...